SnowBoards And Coasters

About Me

Roller Coaster Pictures

Snowboard  Pictures


Roller Coaster Terms

Roller Coaster Inversions

Roller Coaster Inversions 2

Current  Construction Projects

Boarding Tips

Boarding Tips 2

The Center

Contact Me

Welcome to Snowboards And Coasters
Welcome to the only site on the web which has snowboarding and rollercoasters.
News and Information
7/9/03-I know its frustrating to visit a site with no updates. Im currently thinking about converting the site. Im also setting up a new site, with a different host, that can offer more than this. Its pretty good, but it will take longer. Please bare with me.

New Project
The recent 2004 project has been cancelled. A new site is currently being planned.

Using Content From This Site
Please feel free to re-use any information on this site but give credit and a link to this site. Thank You.